Georgia Bartlett on preparing for Badminton Horse Trials

It's Georgia Bartlett's Badminton Debut. As one of her sponsors, we caught up with her to find out how she's been preparing for Badminton with her horse Spano de Nazca (known at home as Nono) and how she keeps her nerve.
J&H: How have you been prepping in the weeks coming up to badminton and what will you be doing the days leading up to Badminton?
GB: The preparation for Badminton started many weeks ago. So, for the dressage we had a new dressage test to be learning and practising as it will be my first time riding a 5-star test. I’ve been doing my usual show jumping and cross-country training and we did Thorseby 4-star as our main competition and preparation. So that was our main competition round. Then closer to Badminton Nono will have an easier week before. By this stage his fitness has all pretty much taken place. He does a combination of galloping and swimming. The last few days he’ll have a fairly easy time, so he is fresh and ready for the competition to start.
J&H: Do you have any rituals or habits before competition?
GB: I don’t have any rituals on competitions day, but I do always try and have a detailed plan so we all know what’s going on. And that plan tends to stay the same for most of my horses.
J&H: Your first Badminton - did you imagine this? Has it been a dream forever?
GB: I’ve dreamed of riding at Badminton since I was tiny and riding my first little ponies. So to be heading there to compete this year with Nono is very special. We’ve been on such a journey together and I just can’t wait to get there.
J&H: How does it feel competing with your heroes?
GB: I compete alongside my heroes at all the events I do, so from that respect it won’t actually be that different from our regular events.
J&H: Do you have any useful tip for nerves?
GB: My advice for nerves in competitions would be to focus on the things you can control and try not to be distracted by outside influences, which you can’t change.
J&H: Does Nono settle well staying away?
GB: Nono does tend to settle very well at competitions. He’s been doing it for many years to he is well practised at it.
We wish Georgia and Nono the very best of luck for Badminton. We are all rooting for you!