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4.5T Self Drive Horsebox Hire

Jewels and Horses are adding horsebox “glamping” hire to their menu of all things equestrian.

We have a 4.5 ton horsebox available for self drive hire with the payload for two large horses (plus kit & humans of course!). Our horsebox is equipped with living suitable for day hire or for a few days at an event.

Our horsebox, like all our products, is designed with luxury, glamour and practicality in mind. Hook up, water tank, large tack lockers, 2 separate beds, hob, sink & wardrobe space. You’ll find a few secret luxurious and practical items for both horse and rider supplied to ensure you have the perfect horsebox glamping hire experience. 

4.5 ton is a safe and a practical option for  those transporting two horses. Large enough to meet the needs of both horse and rider it’s also compact and very drivable. Built to the highest of European Standards (Certificate Of Conformity) including Triple re-enforced bulkheads. Drivers are required to have a C1 Licence to drive this. The horses are of course well looked after with a cooling fan for those warmer days, controlled by a remote control next to the drivers seat.

What’s your ideal horsebox kit? What are your weekend away essentials?

Our horsebox comes with complimentary kits of Jewels and Horses products. Once you’ve experience our stunning Jewels and Horses grooming kit and practical equestrian products you’ll wonder how horse and rider ever managed without them.

Arborfield RG2, Berkshire Horsebox Hire


Phone/Text: 07776 376 493

Horsebox Hire 

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