Equestrian Spring Clean

Equestrian spring clean
With the start of spring now officially in motion, we thought we would focus on our top tips for the months ahead with an Equestrian Spring Clean.
Summer is now in sight & equestrians need to be ready to go! Eventing, Stay-Away's & Day shows are starting up so preparing in Spring is crucial to a great season ahead. Here is our spring clean checklist.
Stop mane rub
1. Has your horse lost half its mane through rugging up? Get those necks off your horse as much as you can to give those mane’s freedom to grow back. If the amount of mud around means you need to use a Turnout combo in the day, use a stable rug with no neck at night if your horse is in & stabled during the night.
Mane and tail detangler
2. Use a good mane and tail solution regularly to get them silky & improve their condition. We love Shapleys which leaves such a lovely shine and smells amazing too. The silkiness it leaves on the mane helps make grooming & keeping them cleaner easier as well as giving manes a bit of added protection from rubbing.
Fly protection for horses
3. Get your fly stuff ready! Do you know where it is? Is it clean? I know it’s still March but remember the weather changes in a flash! Fly rugs, masks, veils and spray become an essential part of keeping horses happy at home and when at shows.
Horse Rug Wash
4. Get your super heavy turnout & stable rugs washed, reproofed and stored away ready for the next winter so it’s not a mad rush when temperatures start to drop again. This also gives space on your yard. (If you're local to Reading we offer horse rug washing.)
Repair or throw out
5. Have a good sort out. Get any broken things repaired or thrown away. Have you got all the kit you need? Any repairs on the stables & fencing that need doing?
Horse wash
6. Last but not least, give your horses a good wash and pamper day so their gorgeous summer coats can come out shinier than ever! Get rid of any scurfy/ dead skin by using a gentle washing brush and lightly going over these patches.
If you have any other tips for an Equestrian Spring Clean, let us know.